Capital Baptist Fellowship Capital Christian Institute
Great Divide Chaplain Services
Dear Partners in the Gospel:
Thank you all for your monthly support and prayers. May our Father smile on you all for your generosity toward His work in Helena, Montana!
Our Father works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. An expression is cliché only if it is not true -- the before used expression is altogether true! I see our Father working in unusual ways every week. He orchestrates and maneuvers events and people. He causes my path to cross the paths of others at providential moments and allows coalescence to occur at unexpected times. Divine serendipity always surrounds me and I never know what or who may lay around the next turn. I want to share an example of our Father’s constant working to redeem to Himself a people.
About a year ago I met “J” while doing a Bible study at an apartment building downtown. He has been a tremendous blessing and I see how our Father uses “J” to move the kingdom and the church forward each week. Well, through “J” I was introduced to another person named “J2” while doing street ministry downtown. At the time the new person’s girlfriend was being visited by Mormon missionaries. “J2” and his girlfriend visited the Mormon temple and she was very interested in Mormonism. “J” was told by “J2” that his girlfriend wanted me to come to her home and do a Bible study. Though busy beyond belief, I found a night we could go and we did. The Bible study was very personal and a God-thing to be sure. During that Bible I briefly met the girlfriend’s elderly dad. He did not sit in on the Bible study. Instead, he sat about eight feet away in the living room watching television (or so I thought). A week later the girlfriend’s dad fell. My friend “J” called to tell me about the dad's fall and said the dad asked for me. I dropped everything and drove to the emergency room to visit and pray with him. While at the emergency room I met another of his daughters named “A”. Over the next few weeks I visited the dad in the hospital and eventually the nursing home. So, I kept seeing the family and praying with them. This past week the dad’s daughter “A” that I met in the emergency room came to the Bible study at the apartments with my friend “J”. She already knows much of the gospel, but has been neither discipled nor baptized. When I spoke with her about this she said she wants to be baptized and I hope she follows through soon! Our Father neither slumbers nor sleeps -- He always and in every circumstance works His perfect will. Pray for all our Father’s divine appointments and that we faithfully act and speak up for Him.
Daily we are putting together the puzzle of Father’s plan for our ministry and for Capital Baptist Fellowship! Thank you for being a piece in that wonderful puzzle!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Parish and Jeanne Ann Hartley
church planter missionaries
Helena, Montana
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