Parish and Grant (and Jackson, of course!) camped out in the backyard Friday night. They had a big time grilling hot dogs, playing uno, stargazing, etc.

Well, it's been a while. Liz loved basketball camp. She met some really nice girls and learned a lot. The camp was Christian based-they had great devotions each day and really stressed Christian values. I'm glad she was able to go, but I am glad she's back. So, we're back to a household of 5 again. Grant's busy making a tractor out of craft sticks, as I write. That should be interesting! He doesn't like to get bored--got to stay busy! He washed my van Sunday after church. Of course, that was not just to keep busy. He was, in his words, "low on cash!" Lauren's most time consuming activity this summer is her work. She was only supposed to work three days a week during the summer, but they always need her to work extra days. The layout, "I Miss You," is my first entry into a scrapbook contest. I finally got the courage to enter one, and I actually won! I was surprised, but excited. My prize was a collection of digital scrapbook supplies. I took the pictures of Grant playing frisbee the day before they left for Nana and Papa's.
Liz was home a day and a half and she's gone again. She went to basketball camp in Billings. She rode with a friend, so I didn't have to make the 4 hour journey this morning. I'll go get her on Friday. Lauren is back at work today. Grant has enjoyed being back home with Jackson. I've been working on more door hanger announcements for the block party on Wed. night. We're praying for good weather this week.
This is new to me, but I'm going to give it a try. I hope this will be a good way to keep everyone updated on the Hartleys. This photo of the kids was taken on June 25, the day before they flew off to MS. I'd love to hear from you! Leave me a comment.